Monday, August 20, 2007


george,paul,john,ringo - photo credit: Ethan Russell

i am now going to be doing some posts called "musical-interlude",so if your at work and reading this you can relax and hear whatever tunes i have playing, i got the idea from reading kelly wills "blondrules" blog,on there she always has some fab music playing so i thought i should have a go at it too.every post like this will have lots of photos if possible,and i will try and do a post like this every 2 weeks.what you hear playing now is the beatles,"the long and winding road", the song reminds me of chilly california fall day, i love that about it.all songs that will be playing will be from my own personal library,and when the next post comes the song will be gone,so injoy well you can...................

paul & linda,john & yoko - photo credit: Ethan Russell

john,george,paul,ringo - photo credit: Ethan Russell

george,john,ringo,paul - photo credit: Ethan Russell

john,yoko,george - photo credit: Ethan Russell

george,paul,john,ringo and pauls sheepdog martha - photo credit: Ethan Russell