Monday, October 22, 2007

fabiola + douglas = awesome!

fabs at play - photo credit - douglas friedman

this month v magazine online profiled fabiola Beracasa,she opens up about family,home and how she used to be a goth girl, i would so love to see how she looked as a goth girl,i think thats so cute,to see the article go here "v-magazine-online",the photographer for the shoot is "douglas friedman",he's done some amazing work, he's snapped photos of "tinsley mortimer", the lovely ivanka trump and "sean lennon" just to name a few................

sharp shooter-douglas taking his own self portrait - photo credit - douglas friedman

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Living the Social LIFE....................

brittny loves SL -photo credit - donttellmybooker

as you can see from the photo above brittny gastineau really really loves social life magazine.brittny was on the september cover,and thanks to "gregory littley's" long time friendship with ms. gastineau, brittny was more than happy to take part.

club kids go zoom: brittny gastineu turns on the heat with the help of pals courtney semal and gregory littley - photo credit - the unknown photographer

and do you ever wander how they choose who is going be on the next cover, i think they should let people vote on it, that would be fun!, i would love to see lydia hearst or lauren davis do a cover, both girls do great things for charity, both are respected and loved in the social community, both are very beautiful. so if anyone happens to see "devorah rose" do tell here this.and if you would like to know where i got this photo of britt go here "dont tell my booker", i first heard of of his photos thru the "confessions of a casting director ", he mostly post photos of models partying and looking hot, its chill.......

Guns n' Roses goodness

salsh - photo credit - the unknown photographer

today it was announced that former GNR member "slash" AKA "Saul Hudson" has a book coming out soon that will set the record straght.i think the books going to fab,and im happy to say that the books not going to be all about axls issues cause im so over that i have been over that since the band broke up, i wish everyone else would get over it. and if you want to read the interview aol does with slash then go here "GNR," its one of the best interviews i seen slash do in a while, as you read it you see he still speaks axls name with respect, i like that..........

slash - photo credit -Branimir Kvartuc